Saturday, November 18, 2006

Gerard Kennedy's debt woes: Elections Canada

Gerard Kennedy's debt woes: Elections Canada

Contestants' Summary
(prepared by Elections Canada)
Contestant's information
Name of contestant Kennedy, Gerard
Financial agent's information
Name of financial agent Kenneth  Rosenberg
Summary information
Number of contributors 1,121
Total amount of contributions ($) 689,338.19
Total amount of transfers ($) 0.00
Total expenses ($) 1,425,086.09

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Ontario Hansard - 11-May2006: MEMBER FOR PARKDALE-HIGH PARK [Gerard Kennedy]

Ontario Hansard - 11-May2006


Mr. Peter Kormos (Niagara Centre): A question to the acting Premier: Sir, folks in Parkdale-High Park were shocked to read in the Toronto Star this morning that Gerard Kennedy "had wanted to resign his seat when he formally entered the leadership race two weeks ago, but stayed on at the request of Premier Dalton McGuinty, who wants to hold off on a by-election."
How can your government justify denying the folks of Parkdale-High Park full representation here at Queen's Park for your government's own crass, partisan political and self-serving reasons?

Hon. George Smitherman (Minister of Health and Long-Term Care): If the honourable member really, really feels all those people in Parkdale-High Park woke up feeling that way this morning, I rather suspect they might have been here stampeding the lawn, but it's only the honourable member's rhetoric that's revved up on this point.
The reality is clear. He said, what about this role of the MPP delivering for the people of Parkdale-High Park? Well, it seems apparent that the honourable member for Parkdale-High Park still has some awfully good skills, because he just delivered a hospital for the people of that community, a long-awaited necessity that has been long-standing.
We've been clear. The Premier has left this up to the honourable member, in his conversation and his work with his local constituents. He has decided that is going to come soon, and this falls very short of the Marilyn Churley time lag.

Mr. Kormos: While the Premier has wanted us to believe that this is a matter between Mr. Kennedy and his constituents, it appears to have been a matter between Mr. McGuinty and Warren Kinsella, because this morning Mr. Kennedy finally went on the radio to let the folks of Parkdale-High Park know they'll have a chance to elect a full-time MPP after the Premier lets him resign two weeks from now. The problem is, people here in Toronto listening to CFRB or CBC or 680 or 640 didn't hear it, because Kennedy made that announcement on Halifax News 95.7, where he was at the time. This is sad. Gerard Kennedy isn't speaking to his constituents anymore, much less representing them. Why doesn't he just resign today, go now? Why doesn't the Premier let him do that?

Hon. Mr. Smitherman: I think it's appropriate to remind the honourable member of the tremendous work and contribution that Gerard Kennedy has made, not just to the community of Ontario but the community of Parkdale-High Park. The reality of the work continues in the sense that he had the opportunity just last week to deliver a long-standing promise, to deliver on something that has been on the wish list of the community of Parkdale-High Park for more than a decade, back to the brief days when that honourable member was entrusted with power in the province of Ontario.
Obviously, Mr. Kennedy has indicated it's his intention to resign shortly. What we know for sure is that he will have done so in a manner that is rapid compared to the exit strategies of honourable members opposite.

Mr. Kormos: That's interesting. After Marilyn Churley announced her intention to run federally, she had 38 recorded votes, 19 oral questions and two private members' bills before she resigned her seat. Since Gerard Kennedy made his announcement April 5, not a single day here in the Legislature, not a single reading of a petition --

The Speaker (Hon. Michael A. Brown): We are not, as you know, permitted to talk about absence from the Legislature.

Mr. Kormos: Zip; nothing from the member.
You can't blame Gerard for wanting to resign. He's running for the leadership of the federal Liberals, and the sooner he separates himself from Dalton McGuinty and McGuinty's record of broken promises, weak leadership and ongoing excuses, the better for Gerard Kennedy and his chances. Why doesn't the Premier put his partisan, crass, self-serving delay of the Kennedy resignation aside and accept Mr. Kennedy's resignation today, here, now, effective 6 p.m.?

Hon. Mr. Smitherman: I think that, upon reflection, the voters of Toronto-Danforth, the riding next door, cast their view about the questions that Marilyn Churley was asking during that period. What I do believe is that the voters and the residents of Parkdale-High Park would rather know that their honourable member delivered an important expansion of their hospital than stood in the Legislature and asked a couple of questions.

Tuesday, May 9, 2006

Opposition demands Gerard Kennedy resign

Opposition demands Gerard Kennedy resign

Canadian Press
Date: Tuesday May. 9, 2006 5:45 PM ET

TORONTO — The opposition parties stepped up the pressure Tuesday on Premier Dalton McGuinty to demand the resignation of federal Liberal leadership candidate Gerard Kennedy, who they accused of shirking his duties to his constituents while he tries to raise his profile outside Ontario.

Both the Conservatives and New Democrats complained that Kennedy is not serving his Toronto constituents by travelling across Canada to boost his leadership bid.

But McGuinty defended Kennedy, telling the legislature he'll leave it up to the former education minister to decide exactly when to resign his seat.

"Mr. Kennedy remains very much devoted to his responsibilities,'' McGuinty said. "He remains very much committed to his constituents. Eventually, Mr. Kennedy and his constituents will come to an arrangement regarding his departure.''

The premier noted Kennedy is still active in his Parkdale-High Park riding in Toronto's west end.

"Just last week, a project which he's been working on actively for some time now came to fruition,'' McGuinty said. "He announced the redevelopment of St. Joseph's Hospital here in Toronto.''

"I expect he'll continue to work in an active way for his constituents.''

Kennedy said Tuesday he will eventually resign but not until he feels the time is right.

"I have been working to complete several projects that might suffer if there was a prolonged interruption, and I want to ensure service to area residents,'' he said in a statement.

"While I cannot yet determine how long this transition will take, I want to be clear that as long as I am an MPP, I will ensure that I can fulfil responsibilities during that time.''

But the opposition said it's not possible for Kennedy to be in two places at once, and demanded that McGuinty put his foot down.

"It is your responsibility to say to him that you can't do two things at once,'' said Conservative Leader John Tory. "The time has come ... to step down from his seat.''

Tory said it lowers the public's confidence in all politicians to see Kennedy campaigning across Canada instead of representing his constituents in the legislature.

"We are doing damage to the process and the confidence that people have in all of us by trying to pretend that it is possible for someone, when they're gone from this place for weeks at a time, to also serve their constituents,'' he said.

NDP Leader Howard Hampton said Kennedy should not be drawing a $1,600 weekly salary from Ontario taxpayers while he's running to become the next federal Liberal leader.

"Over just the last two week ... he's criss-crossed the Rockies of British Columbia, he's wandered the Atlantic coast of New Brunswick, and on Saturday he announced he was house hunting in Quebec,'' Hampton said.

Kennedy, who has said he wants to spend part of the summer in Quebec to better understand that province's issues, is one of 11 Liberal leadership contenders.